Being digital is Italian.
It's underground, provocative, interactive.
has humor, discourse, and debate.
It has a kind of
liveliness to it.
Nicholas Negroponte
ith my first tape recorder I began creating "radio shows" and gave them
to friends and family. In my early teens I started writing science fiction
and later on reviews and interviews for that lively scene called Fandom.
I published my own fanzines and began writing for city magazines and once
even for public radio.
It's amazing to see the skill of some people with, for example, wood works. When I think about it: I probably spent a total of 50 hours in my lifetime doing wood works. Handling words, ideas and concepts on the other hand adds up to tens of thousands of hours. My curiosity is what fascinates me so about computers and the internet. Right there at my finger tips lies a universe of information waiting to be combed the right way to release it's treasures to the digirati.
1981 - 1994: Training and working in German worker's compensation. I had to deal with legal, medical and chemical issues. And the way government agencies work. Developed text modules.
1994 - 1998 : BA in Cross-Cultural Communications (Summa Cum Laude) at Bethany College of Missions, Minneapolis, MN. During that time I worked part-time in the graphics department of Bethany Press International, doing layout for a quarterly Spanish magazine and numerous other projects. Worked with Quark Express, PageMaker, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand and Painter both on Mac an Windows.
1997 - 1998: Internship at Vineyard Landsberg (an evangelical free church), working in leadership function and running the church office. Part-time work at Image Design, Landsberg, Germany, where I did magazine layouts and other graphic work.
1998 - 2000: Continued working with Vineyard Landsberg. Also started Friendly Call Telemarketing, where I handled the administrative backbone, developed a solution in FileMaker Pro for our call center agents. I also wrote phone guides and trained agents.
2000 - 2003: Working as a freelance editor for come magazine. Besides editorial work I translated English articles, supported marketing efforts and was in charge of the news content for the Website. During that time the magazine was relaunched. Also did freelance jobs as copywriter for marketing materials of various clients. Worked part-time as pastor of Vineyard Landsberg. Started a theological MA program via correspondence with IGW Zurich, Swizzerland.
2003 - 2004: Worked fultime as pastor of Vineyard Landsberg. Besides the classical pastoral work I started a church magazine called CoffeeBreak and ran it as an editor and fed content to the church website. Did a lot of multimedia sermons, using video and PowerPoint.
2005: Training as an Online-Journalist at the Journalistenakademie in Munich, Germany. After that, I started as freelance webdesigner, copywriter and translator. Did webdesign (static and Typo3 CMS) for companies and agencies, including web localizations.
2006: Copywriting for webpages, print and multimedia ranging from small companies to multinational enterprises like Microsoft or Samsung. Static and dynamic web design projects, web localzations. English-German Translations.